Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Universe who has bestowed many favors to us particularly scrumptious Iman, Islam favors and favors health and opportunity so that we can gather our beloved madrasah. Don’t forget we bestow blessings and greetings to Prophet Muhammad and his family, his friends, and some of his followers until the Day of Judgment. Good Morning! How are you today? Alhamdulillah, if everything is okay we can learn with this speech. I respect the jury. father and teacher mother who I respect as well. and my friends that I love. do you know globalization? globalization is an age that is easier for us to do things we can control the terms of existing technology. by globalization, we can easily determine when the fall of the 1st Shawwal 1434 H, when the lunar eclipse and a solar eclipse, how the weather in other cities and even in other countries that exist anywhere in the world. although globalization facilitate the work of man, humans are also encouraged to think hard if you want to use advances in technology. if human operators miscalculated even though it was only 0.01, then the results have to be different. for example, on Wednesday, 28th November, which is calculated using a reckoning there will be a lunar eclipse. But on the day of the month in the Batang Regency remains bright. with advances in technology, why are there people who are reluctant to use them in determining Qomariyah months? turns out they are holding behavior ru'yah Prophet who always use to determine the beginning of the month regardless of the hadith Qomariyah apostles "My people are still stupid now." what's the harm if we use the advances in technology in this era globalization to preach and help us to determine the beginning of the month Qomariyah? in fact Allah tells them to use technology in everyday life. although the age of globalization, many negative things, but it would be nice if we take over positive things, because the Messenger of Allah said "Allah is good and will receive a fine." Thus my speech, if there is a word in your heart less reassure me inta sorry that as much as possible. and I thank you because it has been given time to read this speech.


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